Video: You were created to be well health + healing video Feb 21, 2017


I read an interesting quote from a pastor back when I was studying to create The Healing Workshop:

"God's desire isn't for you to be healed; His desire is for you to be so healthy you won't need t...

Video: Here's where you grow advance video who Feb 07, 2017

 We grow more through our interaction with other people than we do from books we read and classes we attend. Don't get me wrong, I love both. But, let's be real- the best part of attending any class, ...

Video: How much can you REALLY do? advance video Jan 31, 2017

Everybody can juggle 1 ball.  I know- that's not technically a "juggle." Just bear with me...

Most people can juggle 2.

Some people can handle 3.

A few can deal with 4.

That's just the way it is. ...

What do you choose to see? advance video Jan 24, 2017

Most of the the time we see what we want to see. In the book Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior (now, think about that title!), Ori & Rom Brafman write about the effects of pre-existin...

Video: Prosper in everything abundance advance the ladder video Jan 17, 2017


Somewhere, we bought the line that poverty is noble, that sickness is a blessing, and that Heaven is when things really start happening in our favor. Yet, a quick look at the Father of our faith sh...

Video: Build your bridge advance the ladder video Jan 10, 2017

Every bridge breaks down to one piece of wood. If you know WHERE you want that bridge to go, you can build that bridge anywhere as long as you build it once piece at a time. 

A few years ago we renov...

Video: Begin where you are advance the ladder video Jan 03, 2017

You can go anywhere you want to go- if you FIRST admit where you are. We know it's true. That's how we find out how to get to the coffee shop (like the example in the video above). It's how we take va...

Video: Who's on the bus? advance the ladder video who Dec 27, 2016


In our task-driven, production-oriented culture, we often look at WHAT we want to do, first. However, the greatest thing is not WHAT we do or even HOW we do it... it's the WHO, the people you ride ...

Video: The Imago Dei in you advance the ladder video who Dec 20, 2016

 When I was in college, finding "The Will of God" was the buzz phrase of the moment. It seems every few years the Church-as-a-whole cycles through a new trend-

* Like contemporary music vs. hymns

* ...

If you're stuck... you can always ask someone who knows how advance the ladder video who Dec 13, 2016

I participated in this exercise at a leadership workshop one afternoon in which the facilitator lined us against the back wall of the room, asked us to make a paper plane, and then had us toss them on...

Video: The Right People advance the ladder video Dec 06, 2016

 If you're a "task-driven" person (I've been told I'm one of them),  this one might zoom right past you. Literally. It's driven by me for years. In fact, I'm just now starting to "get it."

Let me bac...

Video: What you need + What they teach = Result emotional healing health + healing video Nov 29, 2016

I see people falling into two extreme camps when it comes to using essential oils:

One group thinks you’ve got to have the precise oil that matches the body system you’re to support or the symptom yo...
