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Video: Here's where you grow

advance video who Feb 07, 2017

 We grow more through our interaction with other people than we do from books we read and classes we attend. Don't get me wrong, I love both. But, let's be real- the best part of attending any class, any workshop, or any seminar is really the people you meet. More happens outside of the sessions than it does inside the scheduled event itself. Right?

I participated in this exercise a leadership workshop one afternoon in which the facilitator lined us against the back wall of the room, asked us to make a paper plane, and then had us toss them one-by-one, launching them across the room.

Predictably, most planes took a quick nose dive... 

...a few made a bit of distance and then veered radically to the right or left... 

two made it across the room.

You read that right. Two. Only two people of the 40-50 who were present could make a plane that would fly all the way across the room.  


Do it again, but...

The facilitator then did something interesting. He had the two people who launched their planes the farthest each take half the room and show them how to make a plane.

It didn't take long. In fact, the instructor put a clock on it. We had 60 seconds to be instructed, to make the new planes, and then to get back in line. When we returned the second time, to hoist our creations into flight, that second time, the majority of the paper creations made it well across the halfway point in the room.  

Many of them went the entire distance.

What changed?

The power of the the “who.” If you walk with great people, you get great results. Even in the simple things. It doesn't take long. It doesn't have to be complex. Face it. We're better... together.  



Who can you learn something from this week? It doesn't have to take long, and it doesn't have to be a complex task. You'll be better by learning something new.

Who can you teach something to this week? Maybe there's someone you've been meaning to call, or someone who's already asked you a question.

Again, it doesn't have to take long; it doesn't have to be complex. Our results were all exponential from that brief moment in time.

Imagine what can happen when you go exponential with a just a few more simple things...  



Want to learn more?

We teach this info- and more- in Session 06 of 

Access the entire workshop free!

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