Blog: Top 7 = It's Christmas! blog top 7 Dec 27, 2021

This week we celebrated Christmas (which includes China Moon), and enjoyed the pause at the end of the year… 

Here’s— in no particular order— my Top 7 from 7 different areas of life. 




Video: Healthy roots = healthy fruit soul wholeness video Dec 24, 2021

When our hearts are whole, relationships work. And we find purpose. And we’re emotionally stable. And we don’t self-sabotage.

I assumed self-sabotage was simply one of those bad fruits people needed ...

Blog: Top 7 = Christmas way early, celebrating a kid “quit” her job, etc. blog top 7 Dec 20, 2021

Christmas way early, celebrating a kid “quit” her job, and more make this week's top 7...



Fitness = Sunday run, and then… company arrives early! 

Last Sunday morning, we slept in… for a bi...

Video: In relationships you can choose or intimacy or control, but not both relationships soul wholeness video Dec 17, 2021

When there is no trust, people will not be vulnerable with each other. They will not be honest about their own weaknesses— or the others’ strengths. And, they will not exchange ideas freely.

The Bibl...

Blog: Top 7 = A grant, LifeLift is coming, Free t-shirt blog top 7 Dec 13, 2021

The top 7 for last week… 

(And, as always, it doesn’t mean there weren’t MORE than seven great things, it’s just that… well… at some point… you don’t have time to list them ALL…)



Fitness =...

Video: Perfect love casts out fear like Jesus expelled demons soul wholeness video Dec 10, 2021

A lot of people hide from each other... in friendships, at the office, in marriage... we tend to "keep something back," lest we be revealed for... well... something less that what we project that we a...

Blog: Top 7 = Our jam-packed, crammed-up hotel in Nashville blog top 7 Dec 06, 2021

This week the Oola guys retrieved their bus, Beth & I went to Nashville (and, last minute, took two gals with us), and more. And, and we over-packed our hotel room.

Here’s an overview of the top 7 fo...

Video: There's no need to hide what we already see soul wholeness video Dec 03, 2021

❌ Freedom isn’t found in hoping no one finds out about the clutter in your past. Even if your past is fairly present.


✅ Freedom is found when it’s in the open, when there’s nothing more to hide....

Blog: Top 7 = Thanksgiving week reflections blog top 7 Nov 29, 2021

This week’s top 7 includes a look back at the week of Thanksgiving— a holiday I believe has become my favorite of all…

Here’s a look at the best stuff from last week in 7 different areas of life…


Video: Soul memory works like muscle memory soul wholeness video Nov 26, 2021

Many of our hopes and dreams stand in contrast to what’s safe. That's OK when we function from a place of health. But, when we live from a place of unhealth, we can step back rather than leaning in.

Blog: Top 7 = Another wrestling tournament, Thanksgiving break begins… blog top 7 Nov 22, 2021

Another wresting tournament, Thanksgiving break begins…

Here’s the top 7 highlights from the past week— one in each of the big key areas of life.



Fitness = Oak Mountain Eagles win the Chel...

Blog: Top 7 = Wrestling begins, new course launching blog top 7 Nov 15, 2021

This week we attended the first wrestling tournament of the year, went to an actual “open house” at school (I know, those are so “pre-Covid”), and I finished some last minute adjustments to a new cour...
