Video: Most of the time, "Less" is "More" advance the ladder video May 16, 2017

Confession: I’m a busy body… sometimes. No, make that a lot of the time. 

When my spirit is quiet and my soul is at rest and I’m really tapped into to who I am, I’m not. But, most of the time, it’s e...

Video: The Good + Fast + Cheap Pyramid (choose ONLY 2 of the 3 and get to work) advance priorities time video May 09, 2017


In a sitcom that played in the last decade, Bernie Mac's wife, Wanda, wanted a renovation job performed on their house. And she wanted it done “good, fast, and cheap.” That is... 

  • She wanted it
  • ...
Video: 7 Things you can do to look better + feel better right now emotional healing health + healing miracles video May 02, 2017


You can feel better right here, right now. Yes, you've got far more control over how things go than you might suspect. 

Many of us have- at some point or another- fallen victim to the "victim ment...

Video: Sure-fire way to be healed of something- right here, right now health + healing miracles ptsd video Apr 25, 2017

I'm not much on over-promising. Just the opposite. I like it when others under-promise and then over-deliver, so I try to do the same thing.

That said, there's one "tool" I've learned (I didn't make ...

Video: What if you were so healthy that...? healing health video Apr 18, 2017


I read an interesting quote from a pastor a few weeks ago:

"God's desire isn't for you to be healed; His desire is for you to be so healthy you won't need to be healed."

The quote comes from Dr. ...

Video: How many of Jesus' miracles weren't actually miracles? health + healing miracles video Apr 11, 2017


Quick question- How many of Jesus' miracles weren't miracles?

Yeah. Sounds kind of heretical to even ask it doesn't it?

Turns out, there are a few different words in the Bible used for "healing....

Video: You're a piece of art advance emotional healing video Apr 04, 2017


I'm coming to grips with something, because I see it in myself. Since I'm a pretty normal (read: average) guy, my guess is that it's common to many people. Maybe even you. Here it is: many of us st...

Video: You're the author of the story- even when others try to be advance emotional healing perspective video Mar 28, 2017


2016 was a difficult year for us. It's one of those years you don't want to repeat. Ever. 

After moving through it- and after experiencing several people toss out "life rafts" to us along the way ...

Video: Everyone swims underwater (the myth of overnight success + total ease) advance priorities the ladder video Mar 21, 2017

Every person that gets anywhere learns to swim underwater. In fact, they learn to hold their breath for a very long time. And they often do so in isolation, wondering if they surface will come.


Video: Miracles require wellness / wellness leads to miracles health + healing miracles video Mar 14, 2017


Some people are hoping for a miracle. That's their health plan. And, let's be honest, sometimes that's exactly what's needed- a miracle. 

However, even if a miracle comes, you'll need to manage it...

Video: Healing in Heaven? Absolutely! health + healing video Mar 07, 2017


A quick read through the Bible reveals something that sounds somewhat odd: Healing actually happens in Heaven.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. When we get there, there's no need for healin...

Video: Long distance miracles abundance health + healing video Feb 28, 2017


One of my favorite pictures of my wife is one she never knew I took. Until after the fact, of course.

We were at a vendor booth last year, selling some of our books and training materials. We’ve c...
