Video: Some ruts are good, some aren't so good soul wholeness video Nov 12, 2021

The Belief-Expectation Flywheel, as I labelled it, describes how our soul works— 

  1. We experience something. It might be positive or negative. 
  2. We form specific belief patterns based on what we expe...
The Freedom March Manifesto emotional healing emotional health identity Nov 11, 2021

The following comes from page 17 of The Freedom March Manual, part of The Freedom March 5-Week Intensive program.


I am designed by God for a unique purpose, something He ordained for me to do befo...

Blog: Top 7 = next fitness routine, helped launch a new podcast, #Oola bus in my garage blog top 7 Nov 08, 2021

This week I (finally) clarified the next fitness routine (for me), helped launch a new podcast, and received tracking info for the #OolaBus.


… and, bigger than that, Beth and I checked-off one ...

Video: Why we self-protect soul wholeness video Nov 05, 2021

God gave us the ability to guard our hearts— not so we would hide them forever, but so that we could deal with pain and protect ourselves from harm in healthy ways (see Proverbs 4:23). Of course, we’r...

Blog: Top 7 = Mini thinks I’m out of shape, Salter unknowingly dresses like Karate Kid’s “Johnny” for Halloween… blog top Oct 31, 2021

Mini thinks I’m out of shape, Salter unknowingly dresses like Karate Kid’s “Johnny” for Halloween…

… that, and more, made the Top 7 for this past week.

(I write my Top 7 each Sunday, as I look back ...

Video: What it really means to be "triggered" ptsd soul wholeness video Oct 29, 2021

I learned this from the “raw talk” during one of our Centers of Hope meetings…

What does it mean to be “triggered” by your emotions?

Here’s our unofficial (read: real world, working through it, defi...

Blog: Top 7 = A life with no limits blog top 7 Oct 25, 2021

The weekend (as I'm writing this, Sunday afternoon) means it’s time for the Top 7— my highlights from the previous week.

Even though we’re in a digital world, I actually use pen and paper for A LOT o...

Video: Your heart tells the truth about what it feels soul wholeness video Oct 22, 2021

We don’t need to be “afraid” of the “bad” emotions. The truth is that, even if our hearts can lead us astray (such that we don’t to be controlled by them), it is helpful to “hear” what they say…

So l...

Blog: Top 7 = Cancelled concert, new car, updated planner! blog top 7 Oct 18, 2021

This past week we returned from an out of town trip, I started a new fitness challenge, and pulled together a few work projects…

This is the Top 7 for last week. Every Sunday afternoon I sit down for...

Video: There aren't good & bad feelings, just healthy & unhealthy expressions soul wholeness video Oct 15, 2021

I was listening to the radio the other day and heard the mantra in the lyrics of yet another song, “Fear is a liar…”

Then someone posted a meme on Instagram, saying the same thing.

Though it sounds ...

Blog: Top 7 = The long run, fall break, #FreedomMarch blog top 7 Oct 11, 2021

This week's Top 7 includes the long run, fall break, and a new online group coaching opportunity...



Fitness = The long run, through the flooded golf course…

This week, I realized one of th...

Video: Emotions are to the soul what physical sensations are to your body soul wholeness video Oct 08, 2021

Pain isn’t the enemy emotionally anymore than it is physically. Most of us do our best to avoid emotional pain. We bury it. We explain it away.

Think about the necessity of physical pain, though…

