Blog: Top 7 = 2 book drafts, back to the Beachbody t25 workout plan, and more… blog top 7 Oct 04, 2021

The top 7 for the past week includes 2 book drafts, back to the Beachbody t25 workout plan, and more…

(Every Sunday, I review the previous week as I preview the upcoming one. I look back at my favori...

Video: You're not just a natural-born sinner soul wholeness video Oct 01, 2021

People often have more confidence in the devil's ability to deceive-- and in the innate drive to sin-- than they do in the fact that we're created in the image of God, and we've been resurrected into ...

Blog: Top 7 = trip to Tuscaloosa, biz book done, my app being tested top 7 Sep 27, 2021

Last week’s top 7 includes a trip to Tuscaloosa, biz book done, my app being tested...


Each week I look at my calendar, on Sunday afternoons— I review the previous week and look at the we...

Video: You may not get "over it" but you will get "thru it" soul wholeness video Sep 24, 2021

As we were going back and forth about the forward for the Claim Your Freedom book, JB and I sat in a pub in downtown Salt Lake City discussing “hard things.” He experienced his version of a few tough ...

Blog: Top 7 = hang-over from Vegas + back in the groove top 7 Sep 20, 2021

The Top 7 for this past week includes the last of the Vegas trip, cranking out a new book on the plane, and a friend dropping by unplanned during the middle of the week…

And, we’re back in the groove...

Blog: Top 7 = Beth's birthday + trip to Vegas top 7 Sep 13, 2021

The top 7 for last week includes celebrating Beth’s birthday (a few days late) + taking a trip to Vegas. It was a work-related journey, mind you, but still…


Fitness = Saturday morning four of ...

Video: Resurrection = more than just a cleaned-up version of the old resurrection soul wholeness video Sep 10, 2021

The resurrection doesn’t remove the scars, it rewrites the ending of the story…

Sometimes that means the scars remain. They no longer control the story, but they are part of it- perhaps even a signif...

Blog: Top 7 = finished #75Hard + Beth's birthday +++ top 7 Sep 06, 2021

The pic above = tow days after completing 75 hard…

On my first day “off” the challenge (Saturday), I woke up, felt great, and went on a long run throughout the neighborhood— and a few nearby neighorh...

Video: 4 Ways to Deal with Hard Things soul wholeness video Sep 03, 2021

Back in 2014, a child-therapist my family visited for a season described stress in a revealing way. Kristen, the counselor, likened our souls to balloons…

(Yes, I have a lot of experience with counse...

Blog: Top 7 = A single-driver car crash (and the lesson from it) blog top 7 Aug 30, 2021

A single-driver car crash (and the lesson from it) lead this week’s Top 7…

(Each week I post something, a highlight, from one of each of the seven key areas of life…)


Fitness = I posted my re...

Video: Life is beautiful + life is also hard emotional healing emotional health soul wholeness video Aug 27, 2021

September 2018 I did something I never imagined I would do: I took a psychological evaluation. A full one. The kind with hundreds of questions followed by a sit-down interview with a licensed psycholo...

Blog: Top 7 = Abundance mindset + motivation lesson blog top 7 Aug 23, 2021

This week’s Top 7 includes a trip to HSV, a new pub, a new project, and… well… a bit more.


Fitness = #75Hard workout this week was one of my best…

Turns out, going into it, I didn’t feel like...
