Top 7 = HSV road trip + end of school + baby Yoda at the car wash blog top 7 May 23, 2022

My Top 7 for last week includes a quick (read: day) trip to Huntsville, baby Yoda eating a frog, and a few other things.

For those of you who don’t know…

The Top 7 = a quick look at my past week. Ev...

What forgiveness does / doesn't do about past bad decisions the next best step video May 20, 2022

In my past work at recovery centers, I met a lot of residents who felt that because they asked for forgiveness, that all of the consequences of the bad decisions they made should be erased. I’ve felt ...

Top 7 = the Threefoot hotel + the ex who wanted to make the blog top 7 May 16, 2022

This week's Top 7 includes a DIY project on the "Salter's car," helping Emma with her art show, and reflections on how to approach your spouse's ex...



Fitness = Max 30

This week I crushe...

Dealing with your disconnects the next best step video May 13, 2022

We often think that our situation is unique- that it won’t turn out, whatever it is, like it does for other people- for all other people. Just like the two ladies in the example above. 

We forget tha...

Top 7= two suppers are better than one, plus audiobooks, assessments blog top 7 May 09, 2022

This week’s Top 7 includes some reflections, lessons learned, and more… 

Oh, and Salter turned 9.



Fitness = Friday morning off + pause + reset

I “red-lined” it too long. Way too long.


You're special, but not the exception to the rule the next best step video May 06, 2022

We often think that our situation is unique- that it won’t turn out, whatever it is, like it does for other people- for all other people. Just like the two ladies in the example above. 

We forget tha...

Top 7 = two weeks in one, but the LifeLift project is (almost) ready for 🚀 blog top 7 May 02, 2022

I didn’t write my weekly “Top 7” last week. Looking back,  think it’s the FIRST time I haven’t done it in over a year, since I began my weekly “mind dump” and digest of some of the highlights from the...

We grade ourselves in intention, not execution the next best step video Apr 29, 2022

It’s easy for us to look at others and say something like, “You should have seen that coming! You should have known where those decisions were going to take you!” 

It’s easy for us to give others leg...

Can't live forward by looking in rearview mirror the next best step video Apr 22, 2022

Whatever has your attention will affect your direction. And, of course, your direction determines your destination.

Therefore, you should pay attention to what you pay attention to (odd sentence, I k...

Top 7 = a movie, books we found in the garage, and more... top 7 Apr 18, 2022

Last week’s Top 7 includes a movie, books we found in the garage, and more…



Fitness = weights

This week I continued with my new routine of adding free weights to the exercise regiment. I...

When opportunity knocks... the next best step video Apr 15, 2022

Many people believe that others are walking a “better” path than they are because of luck and chance.

Sure, there are examples of men surviving fatal crashes without wearing a seatbelt, but who reall...

Your Next Mission is Staring You in the Face (w/ Staff Ouderkirk) video warrior hope podcast Apr 12, 2022

Stafford Ouderkirk just retired— for the second time. 

The first time around, he retired from the military. 

The second time— this time— he retired from TekSouth, a military contractor. 


