

Hosted by: Andy Jenkins

Empowering you to find + fulfill your purpose | weekly talks by Andy Jenkins on grace + freedom + purpose + empowerment

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13. You- OR- the inside changes before the outside EVER does (The Ladder series #6)

We get enamored with external things- the things “out there.” The truth, though, is that the INSIDE changes before the OUTSIDE ever does. In fact, the greatness of what’s going on inside of you determines the...
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12. Who- OR- The most significant factor at each turning point in your life (The Ladder series #5)

Look at EVERY significant turning point in your life- the good ones AND the bad ones. Most of them probably have MORE to do with a RELATIONSHIP than any other factor… Someone believed in you… Or someone steered you in...
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11. Why- OR- The fuel on your fire (The Ladder series #4)

Everyone seems to ask it these days- it's a "buzz word" that few of us really unpack. In this session we unpack the "why," putting it in the context of everything you do... PEOPLE that know WHAT they want to do get...
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10. How- OR- Make time for the things that matter the most (The Ladder series #3)

We’re all busy. It’s almost a #HumbleBrag in our culture to actually BE busy. I mean, no one actually LIKES being so busy that they can’t keep up with what’s going on, but we carry our jam-packed calendars around like...
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9. What -OR- Success is recipe, not a lottery ticket (The Ladder Series #2)

The first step in living any dream is to decide what that dream is. Sounds obvious, right?  I mean, how are you going to go ANYWHERE if you don’t first have a destination? My wife and I go on a date every week....
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8. Your (huge) dreams are all within reach (The Ladder series #1)

One of my favorite events of the year is coming up, so I'm taking a short break from the Redemption series. Advance arrives every 5-7 months, depending on the time of year, and is designed to empower men to move from...
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7. Easy

Paul encouraged us to not stray from the simplicity that is found in Christ. His thought was, well… we tend to make things infinitely more complex. We tend to move towards complex religious systems. Jesus, on the...
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6. Living in Heaven, Walking on Earth

The Bible outlines a few contradictory things about us- things that we need to hold in tension. First, everything that happened to Jesus has already happened to us. We were crucified with Him, we died with Him, and we...
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5. Come in closer

There’s a rabbinical tradition that says Moses’ burning bush was always burning. Or, at least, that it had been burning for quite some time before Moses stumbled upon it. Furthermore, tradition says that God was there...
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4. Health + Healing

There are two kinds of healing. At least.  This may sound strange- even in Heaven we'll choose health + healing.  (For definition purposes, I refer to "healing" as something God does AND "health" as something you do,...
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3. No Faith Required

Jesus marvels at great faith, but a lack of faith never restrains Him. Somebody told me this more than once: "If you don't have enough faith, Jesus can't move." I've even seen this belief used to blame people for...
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2. The Blessing of Abraham

Somewhere, we bought the line that poverty is noble, that sickness is a blessing, and that Heaven is when things really start happening in our favor. Yet, a quick look at the Father of our faith shows us something...
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