The Holy Spirit empowers you to do something that exceeds your natural capacity and functions at the level of Heaven (Spiritual Gifts 1)

A few years ago I revisited a book my Dad wrote 20+ years ago, re-drafted it, and then re-published it. In the process I learned a TON about the subject of the book, spiritual gifts.

Along the way, I discovered some “good news” and I stumbled into some “bad news.”


The bad news is this…

The term “spiritual gifts” that I heard so much about growing up in the church (a great church, a super-experience) doesn’t actually exist in Scripture— not in the original Greek language. So, all of that reading and studying and thinking about the certainty of something I wrongly THOUGHT I understand turned out to… well… not exist exactly in the way I thought it did.


The good news…?

Well, even though that two-word phrase (“spiritual gifts”) isn’t found in the Bible, something FAR MORE powerful is.

Specifically, this…

When Paul wrote about “spiritual gifts” he used FOUR different words and concepts to relay what they are— in the best way he could.

Moreover, I think he was just hitting the surface— the proverbial “tip of the iceberg.”


In this talk, we launch into a new “series.”

You’ll learn about:

✏️ Pneumatikons = the spirituals, the presence (see 1 Corinthians 12:1)

✏️ Charismata = expressions of grace (1 Corinthians 12:4)

✏️ Diareseis = appointments, placements (1 Corinthians 12:5)

✏️ Energematon = energies, divine power-flow (1 Corinthians 12:6)

Those are the four Greek words we most often (read: always) translate as “spiritual gifts.” Yet, as we break it down, we see there’s so much more going on here, far more happening, than “just something you possess” or have.


You’ll discover, over the next few minutes, that the Holy Spirit— right now— empowers you to do something supernatural, something that exceeds our human capacity, and operates at the level of Heaven.

And that’s true whether you’re working in a church or a coffee shop, a drug rehab or a department store, serve as a prophet or a policeman, whether you teach adults the Bible or find yourself talking small kids into brushing their teeth and going to bed on time.

I know, seems like a big gap there.

Listen in…


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