Where You Are Isn’t Who You Are, and… (Soul Stuff 2)
It’s easy to forget that we’re truly valuable…
🔥 that we bear the image of the Creator
🔥 that we’re chosen, Holy, and dearly loved (Colossians 3:12-13)
🔥 that He promised we’re never separated from His love (Romans 8:31-39)
🔥 that God doesn’t hold our sins and failures against us, so He isn’t punishing us because of them (see Jeremiah 31:34)
🔥 that the same grace that “saves us” also calls us to do something extraordinary (Ephesians 2:8-10)
🔥 that the gifts and callings of God are irrevocable (Romans 11:29).
Yes, it’s easy— despite these truths— to somehow think that when life gets tough— and situations become “less than desirable” that we’re LESS valuable…
… that, somehow, our worthy is attached to “where we are” and not “who we are” or even “whose we are.”
In this episode we talk about the importance of affirming our true identity, as well as holding the tension that sometimes hard things happen… and that has no bearing on who we really are at all.
Important links
💜 The “best of” Soul Wholeness audio course = FREE at www.Jenkins.tv/best
💜 The free PTSD self-check = www.Jenkins.tv/PTSD
💜 The Soul Wholeness video course = www.Jenkins.tv/SWV