Where We Really Find Connection + Cleansing (Soul Stuff 1)
We’re promised two gifts that we each desperately want and need come when we take the hurts and pains of the past, stop hiding them, and move into the light:
🎁 Connection = that is, we find we’re not alone, we meet acceptance with a healing community
🎁 Cleansing = we find healing, and we’re able to repurpose the pains to help others…
Here’s part of the problem:
We don’t like the light.
(Guilt and shame THRIVE in the dark— and fight to keep us there.)
❌ Freedom isn’t found in hoping no one finds out about the clutter in your past. Even if your past is fairly present.
✅ Freedom is found when it’s in the open, when there’s nothing more to hide.
That bold audacity is what strips the enemy of his power and it’s where we find the connection and cleansing we so much want / need.
HEre’s another part of the problem…
Not only do we NOT want to “deal with our stuff,” he other part of it is that when we do, we tend to share it with the wrong people. We over-share with the masses; we under-share with the people closest to us…
The only people who can help carry the burden of connection and cleaning are people who can ALSO correct you.
That’s a high bar.
In this talk we outline the importance of:
👉 The few = who get to know EVERYTHING
👉 The some = who get to know “most” things
👉 The many = who get to know “some” things
👉 The most = who get to know… nothing.
Important links
💜 The “best of” Soul Wholeness audio course = FREE at www.Jenkins.tv/best
💜 The free PTSD self-check = www.Jenkins.tv/PTSD
💜 The Soul Wholeness video course = www.Jenkins.tv/SWV