“I Hate Theology” is an Absolutely Dumb Statement (Grace Basics 3)
Over the past few years it’s become popular in hipster-ish types of churches (not that I’m opposed to ANY expression of the church) to say things that SOUND right but actually breakdown to “nothing” when placed under the weight of any scrutiny at all.
For instance, this one…
“I hate theology, but I love Jesus.”
Sounds cute and clever, but really?
When we break it down, we get this:
👉 Theo- = God
👉 -ology = study of
That is, “theology” reveals what we believe to be true about— and what we think about— when we think about God.
As we discussed in the previous episode, we’re all practical theologians… that is, we all “live out” what we think and feel to be true about God every single day.
When we look closer at the Bible, especially the New Testament, we discover that Jesus is actually taking us TO and revealing what God is like (see John 14:1-9).
He is…
💙 The image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15)
💙 The fullness of the Father was in Him, as He actively reconciled the world to Himself (Colossians 1:19-20)
💙 The perfect imprint & very expression of God’s nature (Hebrews 1:3)
💙 Only did what He saw the Father doing (John 5:19)
💙 Is so much like God that whoever “sees Me sees the One who sent Me” (John 12:35)
In other words, as Pastor Bill Johnson once wrote, “Jesus is perfect theology.”
That is, He demonstrates what God the Father is like through what He does (His words) and what He said (His deeds).
In this episode we make that concept super-practical…
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Identity video course = https://www.jenkins.tv/offers/twHHm6Lh
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