Soul memory works like muscle memory (Future Grace #4 of 7)

There are 3 facts about human nature:

👉 FACT 1 = We’re designed to explore and grow. We, by our nature, venture forth and look into the unknown.

👉 FACT 2 = Some of that exploration causes PAIN. That is, not all exploration is pleasant. As a result, we create RULES to help govern how we make " in the future.

Some of those “rules” are:

✅ FUNCTIONAL = that is, they’re friends. They’re healthy and they help us reach our potential.

Other “rules” are…

‼️ DYSFUNCTIONAL = they’re foes. They’re unhealthy and they hinder us from making progress…

The problem, is, well… our mind doesn’t distinguish between the two. We simply, unless we discern otherwise, follow the default rules we’ve learned.

And therein lies the problem….

👉 FACT 3 = We adopt the rules as our default method of interacting with the world around us…

In this talk we discuss what these rules mean, as well as how we move forward.




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