Authority is accountability and responsibility— not control
After the Fall, something interesting happens with Adam and Eve.
Feeling ashamed, they hid themselves. Yet God approaches them, as it seems must be part of their regular routine to meet each evening.
He looks for Adam.
Genesis 3:9 tells us the Lord called to the man and asked, “Where are you?”
God didn’t seek Eve— even though she technically sinned first. He sought the one to whom He entrusted His Word, the one He now held responsible, Adam.
Remember, God gave Adam the commands about the tree (Genesis 2:17) before Eve was ever even created (Genesis 2:21f.). To be clear, according to the text, she was never told directly not to eat the fruit.
Just a thought…
The leader is responsible for everything under the oversight of the authority— even if the authority is not necessarily “guilty” of an action that occurs.
(I see a difference between “fault” and “responsibility,” thought we can’t totally blame the fall on her— he was standing right there.)
Eve actually ate from the tree first. Adam did eat after her. However, 100% of the issue at hand (though perhaps her fault) remains his responsibility.
And sure…
I know these are “loaded” terms, words we’d like to just replace. But, since they’ve been misused and we all have an idea of what they are, let’s discuss…
(And probably create more questions than answers in the process.)
… and see if we can make some practical headway.
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