Lead Strong, Love Stronger

The concept of spiritual leadership and Biblical authority hasn’t received much positive press lately. In any area— the home, business, church, politics, nothing. In fact, most discussions about the topic seem overtly negative— and with good reason. 

Over the past few years, we’ve seen an uptick in abuse. As well, many cases of hidden abuse (sins buried under the carpet or tossed into the closet for decades or more) have surfaced. 

Our society shudders at the idea of authority. Furthermore, our trepidation isn’t unwarranted. 



Here’s the tension…

We forget that the Kingdom of God is precisely that– a Kingdom, not a democracy. Every kingdom features rank, order, and authority. Everyone doesn’t get a vote in a kingdom-- and some people carry more responsibility to serve and protect than do others. There are different levels of expectations and higher degrees of accountability. 



When we see an extreme wrong, we tend to over-exaggerate the correction and go to an “extreme” ourselves in the opposite direction. Yet over-reacting to misuses of authority doesn’t make the truth of true Biblical authority— that some people carry greater responsibility and lead at a higher capacity— simply disappear. 

We must still wrestle with the concept because, again, the Kingdom of God is a kingdom. Not a democracy. And in a kingdom there is rank, order, and authority.

Now, all authority is called by God to give people what they need, not what they want. The authority is ordained to build people, not tear them down. 

Paul writes of his authority, “which the Lord has given me [to be employed, however] for building [you] up and not for tearing [you] down” (2 Corinthians 13:10 AMP).

He describes it in another verse saying, “even though I boast rather freely about our power and authority, which the Lord gave for your upbuilding and not for demolishing you, yet I shall not be put to shame [for exceeding the truth]...” (10:8 AMP).



In the end, we see that the problem isn’t authority or leadership…

People in leadership actually DO need to do a better job. They need to lead STRONG.

But they need to love even STRONGER than they lead.



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