You (already) have everything you need

Many of us seem to think we need something “more,” that we don’t have the ______________ (fill in the blank to your unique situation) we need in order to move from where are are to where we’re designed to be.

But Scripture suggests something different.


The same power that raised Jesus form the dead now lives in you (Romans 8:11).

And, as Peter says, you have everything you need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).

Notice— everything for— 

  •  Life— that is, our work, our family, our chores, our ALL the things we do— as well as 
  •  Godliness— the things we most often think God’s power is relegated to.

In other words, the grace of God works in every area of life— there’s no facet it doesn’t touch.



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