When people encounter you, they encounter God's presence & power (Identity #5)

We concluded the previous talk with the assertion that we’re now “full” of the “fullness of Christ,” who was full with the very presence of the Godhead. This reality enables us to live His presence— and empowers us to walk in HIs power throughout this world, functioning at a level that exceeds our natural capacity. 

In this talk, we make four observations as to what this means… 



Here’s our first observation:

✅ Christ being “formed” in us is bigger than having a moral compass or keeping a standard of rules. 

That is, our faith should be larger— and cast a bigger shadow— than just what we’re “for” and what we’re “against.”

The early Church was known not only for what they believed, but also for the power He — and they— demonstrated. 

The full formation of Christ in us includes the Resurrection power also moving through us, as well. Our full potential, then, is to express His presence and power through us. 


That leads to this:

✅ Once Christ is formed in us, “for me to live” is actually for Christ to live, as Galatians 2:20 says. 

The Bible affirms that— 

  • We have the mind of Christ = we have access to what He thinks about a given situation. 
  • We have been given His Spirit = His presence is always “closer than close” to us.
  • We have His desires, coupled with His ability to do the will of the Father. 

We will do greater things than He did, that is, we serve beyond our personal capacity and “do things” at the capacity of Heaven. 


✅ It looks like Jesus, yet it also looks like you. It looks like you, but it also looks like Him. 

When we do something, it’s as if He does it. Yet, at the same time, we do it.

The result is Divine partnership at a high-level of intimacy. 


Fourth, finally, it’s important to remember this… 

✅ In the same way Jesus was sent to reveal the Father, so also you are sent to reveal the Father. Jesus sends us into the world.

Jesus sends us into the world to reveal what He is like (remember, as we discussed in episode 100, He shows us who we are.)

Since we reveal Him (mirror image) and His fullness is in us, unveiling Him is a natural expression of the new life we’ve received.



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