Who you really are (Identity #2)
In this talk we pick up where we left off in the previous…
(Last episode = Jesus shows us what God is actually like. This episode = He shows us what we’re really like, too.)
Here’s the outline…
✅ The name change = Jesus declared who Peter is before we ever saw the evidence.
Jesus named Peter for who he was designed to be in the future, not how he acted in the past (or even the present).
It takes a while before Peter evidences “fruit” of what Jesus has deemed to be true.
(This happens with us, too!)
✅ The post-Resurrection Peter is different than the pre-Resurrection Peter. We often identity with the wrong one.
(The Peter we see “failing” is the Peter we see figuring out who he really is.)
✅ In the same way, Jesus shows us who we are.
Jesus reveals who we are so intimately that looking at Him is like looking at ourselves in a mirror.
We must begin with “identity" first— with who we are, not what we do.
And, as in the case of Peter, we’ll likely see “evidence” in our lives that what Jesus says about us isn’t actually true. But, give it time… and transformation occurs.
✅ The problem = We forget what we (spiritually) look like. We forget the image from the mirror.
In the same way we recognize ourselves physically, we should also recognize ourselves spiritually.
As we bring these truths together we begin to understand the bigger picture…
📱 The LifeLift app = www.Jenkins.tv/1
All the books mentioned in the talk =
📗 Identity (5.5x8.5)= https://amzn.to/32WSaC1
📗 Presence (5.5x8.5)= https://amzn.to/33oSbhW
📗 Expression (5.5x8.5)= https://amzn.to/3qaa78B
📗 Perspective (5.5x8.5) = https://amzn.to/3JWDvqZ
📗 The workbook (8.25x11)= https://amzn.to/3tdOpT5
📗 The “big book” in paperback (5.5 x8.5)= https://amzn.to/3Fe9wqK
📗 The “big book” in hardback (6x9)= https://amzn.to/3qXf9EE