4. Health + Healing
There are two kinds of healing. At least.
This may sound strange- even in Heaven we'll choose health + healing.
(For definition purposes, I refer to "healing" as something God does AND "health" as something you do, OK? Just to keep the terms straight... Anyway...)
Think about it. Health + healing was available in the Garden of Eden AND we see the "leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations" in Heaven (see Genesis 1:29, Ezekiel 47:12, Revelation 22:2).
When Jesus walked the earth, He healed people in two ways. First, He performed miracles (iaomai). Second, He taught people how to be well (therapeuo) (see Matthew 8:15f., Acts 28:8-9).
In other words, health is how things began AND it's how things "end” AND it’s how Jesus + the apostles outlined things to work. It IS your destiny, in other words, a destiny you can choose now.
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