27. Five Signs You’re Out of Rhythm (Claim Your Freedom #9)
In music, the rests are as important as the notes you play. Life is the same way. There’s a definite beat to Creation that works well for us when we embrace it.
Here are the main ideas:
✅ The created order is built on a rhythm of “off” and “on.” We’re designed for bursts of work and pauses for rests.
(Part of living a life of balance means there are definite times of Sabbath and rest, those moments of complete OFF.)
✅ Five signs highlight when we *might be living out of rhythm.
Sign #1 of 5 = You can’t get quiet, don’t want to be alone, etc.
Sign #2 of 5 = You feel sickish or sluggish for no reason.
Sign #3 of 5 = You’re “short” or snippy.
Sign #4 of 5 = You feel depressed or down, and you can’t figure out why.
Sign #5 of 5 = You’ve recently endured trauma or “hard things.”