38. Jesus in the World (LifeLift #5)

The risen Jesus now lives in us, expressing Himself through each of us to the world.

Get this: you carry the image of your Creator. We know that. The Bible tells us everyone was created in God’s image. That’s why we see all human life as sacred.

A few posts ago I mentioned that Jesus is the image of God. If you want to know what God is like, well… you look at Jesus. He reveals God completely.

As odd as it sounds, though, the Bible insists over and over that you actually reveal what Jesus is like.

I know. Tough call. We know what we’re really like. Yet Scripture argues this: To encounter what Him and see what He is like, people only need to encounter you. That’s right. You.

You don’t need to go get reconnected to a source. You don’t need to get “re-filled.” You are full. And once you understand that, it makes all the difference in the world.

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