39. Keep Your Form ( LifeLift #6)

One of the biggest issues with sin is that it distorts the image of glory we’ve been designed to carry.

(This is one of the life lessons I’ve learned the hard way, BTW— school of hard knocks.).

The greater issue is this: sin creates a distortion of our unique form, of the greatness we were given from the very beginning. Sin keeps us from seeing who we really are. Sin hinders wholeness, completion.

It holds us back from out destiny.

The word hamartia (the Greek word for "sin") actually means "without form." That is, the word sin doesn't mean "failure." Rather, actually means that we've walked away from our true identity, the blueprint we were given from the beginning of time.

BIG IDEA— >> If you get your identity right-- if you walk in your true design-- the morality takes care of itself. In fact, all of the other issues do, too.

So, when he writes about sin, Paul calls us to something greater than a do/don't mentality… he beckons us to elevate ourselves above the rules of right vs. wrong and walk in the beauty of who we were designed to be (Romans 15:15).

In ancient literature, the word meros ("form," the root of martia) is often used of blueprints— that is, designs for buildings. If the design isn’t solid, the final product is distorted from what was intended by the architect.

Paul reminds us that we have a perfect design. Sin isn’t just a moral issue, then; sin is a decision to walk away from our eternal design.

I love how, rather than appealing to a legalistic “do vs. don’t” mentality, Paul calls us to something greater... to shine as the people we really are.

That’s the subject of this talk…