69. Revelation = Invitation (Redemption #7)
God doesn’t simply reveal truth to you so that you can study it; He reveals Himself to be encountered and experienced.
When He shows you another facet of Himself (in this book or anywhere else!), He's inviting you to receive it. And, I guarantee, God is better experienced than merely explained.
Moreover, He invites you to receive it— in full— right then, in that moment. There’s no waiting, and He doesn’t give Himself in pieces (see John 3:34). He gives Himself— and His gifts— completely.’
We often think (because we’ve been taught) that we must “step it up” and “believe harder” in order for the Lord to do a great thing in us. I’ve heard some pastors at a well-known church say, “Dig in deeper” and “go after God.”
But, the Bible tells us clearly that faith isn’t something we generate— it’s something that comes to us (see Romans 10:17).
The gifts we receive by faith come from a faith that is also a gift in and of itself!
Galatians tells us we actually live the life we live now by the “faith of the Son of God” (Galatians 2:20).
Look at the King James Version. Most other translations miss this one and suggest that it is faith in the Son of God. The KJV rightly denotes that God Himself places the faith there. It is His faith working in us!
The gifts we receive by faith come from a faith that is also a gift in and of itself!
If the Lord places within you a desire for freedom, it is His invitation for you to receive it. And it is His faith alive in you which makes it happen!
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