LifeLift empowers you to find + fulfill your purpose!
An book + course + personalized assessments to equip you to to find and fulfill your purpose

LifeLift equips you to live at the next level!
An overview of the 4-part framework

Finding your purpose changes everything.
But we can’t just go from “here” to “there” without the proper foundation. More important that any of the ministry you’ll do is walking with an awareness of who you are. As you live from that, walking in His presence, your gifts overflow, spilling onto the world around you.
Here’s the main idea for each part of the book- and how these concepts fit together.
Part 1 of 4 = Identity
Knowing who God is & resting in who He says I am is my foundation.

The foundation of the LifeLift Framework is understanding who we are. And to understand that, we must understand who God is.
We know what God is like because we've seen Jesus!
Jesus shows us a perfect picture of what our Heavenly Father is like. To see Him was to see the Father, He said (John 14:6-11). According to Him, He only did— and said— what He saw the Father doing (John 5:19).

Scripture also teaches us that Jesus shows us who we are...
... and everything that happened to Jesus happened to us, too.
The New Testament teaches us that Christ now lives through us (Galatians 2:20). This is because we were crucified with Him, we died with Him, were buried, arose with Him, and have even ascended (see Galatians 2:20, Colossians 3:3, Romans 6:4, Ephesians 2:5-6).

Furthermore, we don't just receive a "clean record" when we awaken to grace.
Rather, were completely transformed, made totally new.

We now have access to the Resurrected life.
And, the fullness of God (that was in Jesus) now inhabits us.
Further, we’re empowered to do the works of Jesus. The fullness of the Godhead filled Christ (Colossians 2:9). We forget, though, that this same fullness fills each of us (Colossians 2:10).

We've been sent to represent the Kingdom of God to this world in the same way Jesus was sent!
Jesus told the disciples that the Father sent Him— and that He was sending them in that same way (John 20:21).
We're empowered to do the things He did, as well as do them in the same way He would do them.
Part 2 of 4 = Presence
Living in awareness of His presence is the best habit I can develop.

Using 2 Timothy 1:7 as our outline, we discover that everything we do should be filtered through power, love, and self-discipline. We begin part 2 studying the power of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus demonstrates what we can do when we’re fully empowered by the Holy Spirit.
In the same way, He encouraged His followers to also wait for that Spirit’s power, and then to continue living in the Spirit’s presence (John 16:13).

The life of the Spirit is an ongoing encounter!
Although the Spirit moves into our lives at conversion (1 Corinthians 6:17), bringing about a character transformation, there is an ongoing dimension to the Holy Spirit’s renovation work on our soul.
The same Spirit that begins nurturing and growing the fruit of the Spirit in our lives also supernatural gifts and empowers us to do more— via the empower of Christ in us— than we could ever do on our own.

The context of 1 Corinthians 13 isn't marriage-- it's ministry in the church, using the spiritual gifts.
We learn that love is the context of everything we're called to do.
Paul taught that exercising love is even greater than expressing your supernatural gifts (see 1 Corinthians 13:13).

The more broken people were, the more likely they were to run towards Jesus rather than run away from Him.
Too often, it seems that it’s the exact opposite with the church today- because we use fear and shame to seek to control people rather than using love to bring them close.
Love and fear cannot— they don’t coexist (1 John 4:18). In fact, love pushes fear far away and invites people in close.

Jesus is the Word and He does the Word.
He "did" the Word during His earthly ministry 2,000+ years ago, and He continues fulfilling His word.
Everything we do, then, should find its basis in Scripture. It becomes our beginning point, and provides guardrails as we move forward.

Scripture outlines several components which are clearly "the will of God."
Many people want to find God's will for them in terms of vocation and calling, as well as relationships and opportunities before them. It's important to begin at the areas where God has already clearly spoken.
Everything else flows from here.
Part 3 of 4 = Expression
Imparting my gifts of grace and love is always the right response.

We've been born physically (meaning we're flesh) and we've been born spiritually (meaning we're also spirit).
In part 3 of the LifeLift Framework we learn that the Holy Spirit also brings spiritual gifts into our lives-- unique ways in which God actively moves through us to impact the world.

The gifts are the actual presence of God— not something separate from Him that we possess. As such, the more we nurture our relationship, the more “alive” those gifts become.
(By the way, the phrase “spiritual gifts” doesn’t appear in the Bible. We’ll talk about why— and show you what does appear.)

We find four words used throughout the New Testament-- terms we generally translate as "gifts." We learn that the "gifts" are unique ways in which God blows through us, that they impart tangible grace to others, that they denote specific places God ordains for us to shine His glory, and that He promises to move through those "gifts."
When you discover your unique design you truly uncover the purpose for which you were created.

The "gifts" are for us inside the church and outside the church-- they're for ministry and for mission.
The early church carried no distinctions as to who was called and who wasn't.
To them, the events that happened during the week were as sacred and special as the activities which punctuated the weekend.

At the conclusion of part 3 we evaluate several guardrails to keep us moving forward as we we pursue our unique calling.
Each of these highlight the precise way in which God crafted us, then called us to participate in His plans.
Part 4 of 4 = Perspective
Continuing to lean back into my Kingdom identity remains the best way to move forward.

In part 4 of the LifeLift framework we reiterate the importance of three areas--
- Instructional Obedience (doing what God has already clearly commanded us to do in Scripture)
- Created Design (leaning into the personalities, talents, and past experiences we have)
- Spiritual Gifts (embracing the ways in which He supernaturally expresses Himself through us)

All three of these areas are important.
- Without Instructional Obedience, we step outside the bounds of the Kingdom.
- Apart from our Created Design, we fail to acknowledge our uniqueness
- Omitting our Spiritual Gifts insures we have a form of godliness but lack its true power (2 Timothy 3:5)

Six reasons the Holy Spirit gifts us help us stay focused and on task.
We begin to understand the highly relational nature of God-- and the gifts-- as we pay close attention to each of these six purposes.

We don't need to be afraid of walking in the supernatural.
God outlines clear direction for us in Scripture as to how to use the gifts, and practical wisdom provides tips on how to apply His principles.

Finally, we continue evaluating and reevaluating our call.
We never "arrive." We constantly grow and change.
And, the ultimate verification of our gifts (and calling) isn't a test or assessment tool. Rather, five questions help us consider where we are...
The LifeLift Framework includes 5 assessments.
Note: Tests, assessments, and questionnaires are simply tools to serve us in our journey of self-discovery. The ultimate verification of calling and purpose comes from the Holy Spirit and confirmation in the body of Christ.

The DISC profile simply mirrors back to you what your personality seems to be like— after asking you a series of questions.
And, the assessment reveals your leadership style.
Though there is no test to determine whether you’re called to equip the saints to minister or whether you’re called to be a saint who ministers (see chapter 13), the DISC provides insight into your temperament.

The Created Design Q&A helps you identify how you’ve been designed in a unique way.
We want to identify what is different and special about you.
We all see the world differently-- and that has to do with how we were created as well as some of our past experiences.
We learn that we're all different-- and we need to embrace those differences!

Four reflection questions empower us to further refine our calling.
We discover that God highlights unique burdens to each of us-- things we see that others miss. In doing so, He stirs something He's ordained for each of us, some space where we make our mark on the world.

The Bible teaches us that when you give your life to Christ, the Holy Spirit moves into you.
You literally become “one” with Him in Spirit (see 1 Corinthians 6:17). At the same time, the Holy Spirit brings supernatural abilities into your life.

In the final assessment we reflect on everything we've learned in the LifeLift Framework...
...and we create a personal profile that highlights the unique way(s) God works through each of us.
The LifeLift Framework enables you to understand who you are, equips you to live in close connection with the Holy Spirt, and then empowers you to use your unique gifts to fulfill God's purposes for you.