Free audio course | Highlight the truth of how God sees you + empower you to overcome the clutter you learned growing up in church
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What you'll learn:
🍎 What God is really like-- as opposed to all of the "stuff" you've heard (we'll look straight to the Bible for our answers)
🍎 Why "bad stuff" (sickness, storms, situations we'd rather avoid) happens (hint: it's not because God is punishing you or trying to teach you a lesson)
🍎 The reason we need to have more confidence in "justification" and Jesus than in sin and Satan (so many "church people" get this one backwards)
🍎 The real reason you can move on from your past-- even it it's pretty current-- without festering on it and floundering in it AND without "proving" you've changed
🍎 More truths that will set you free to walk in your true identity and fulfill the purpose God has for your life!