God doesnā€™t just ā€˜likeā€ youā€” thereā€™s more identity lifelift video Dec 04, 2023

One of my favorite verses which describes thea dynamic of Christ living in us— again, a favorite— is John 1:16 (NKJV): 

And of His fullness we have all received, and...

Grace empowers you to out-perform what you can do on your own identity lifelift video Nov 27, 2023

It looks like Jesus, yet it also looks like you. It looks like you, but it also looks like Him.


When we do something, it’s as if He does it.

That is, we become His vehicle of...

The Holy Spirit wants to express Godā€™s presence & power through youā€¦ holy spirit lifelift video Nov 20, 2023

We each express this reality in (at least) four distinct ways.


1. We have the mind of Christ = we have access to what He thinks about a given situation.

1 Corinthians 2:16 (NLT, emphasis...

Known for theological position or supernatural presence & power? identity lifelift video Nov 13, 2023

Acts 11:26 tells us something that’s become commonplace to us but would have been shocking in the first century (NIV, emphasis added):

The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.

God "trades up" when He does a new work in you identity lifelift video Nov 06, 2023

The Bible tells us, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

There are two Greek words used in the New...

Certain about Satan or confident in Christ? identity lifelift video Oct 07, 2022

I don’t know where I first got the thought— “we seem more confident in the enemy’s ability to deceive us— and to steal, kill, and destroy— than we are about...

Jesus over-restores all (especially the hard) the things identity lifelift video Sep 30, 2022

I want you to notice something— a piece of the Gospel story you may have missed. Once you see it, you’ll never miss it again, though. I promise…

Jesus looked different before and...

You have supernatural DNA identity lifelift Sep 23, 2022

Paul says that— in light of the bigger reality of Jesus’ work on our behalf, everything we’ve been included in— we should no longer “regard” anyone according to...

Stop looking "out there" to find what's already deep within identity lifelift Sep 16, 2022

I remember watching people get baptized when I was younger and thinking, “What in the world are they doing?” And, “Why do we do this?” 

Don’t get me wrong. The...

Remember who you are identity lifelift Sep 09, 2022

Paul penned something extraordinary about your identity-- about who you really are (2 Corinthians 3:18 NKJV, emphasis added): 

…we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the...

God sees your potential-- not your past (or even your present) identity lifelift Sep 02, 2022

Jesus meets Peter early in His ministry. When He does, Jesus completely changes this man’s name. Here’s the snip from John 1:42 where we see it happen (ESV): 

Jesus looked at him...

Jesus is perfect theology identity lifelift Aug 26, 2022

Our behavior always broadcasts our beliefs. Our actions always reveal what we truly think. In other words, our actions are simply the fruit of thoughts and belief structures. If we believe God is...

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