The Holy Spirit wants to express Godā€™s presence & power through youā€¦ holy spirit lifelift video Nov 20, 2023

We each express this reality in (at least) four distinct ways.


1. We have the mind of Christ = we have access to what He thinks about a given situation.

1 Corinthians 2:16 (NLT, emphasis...

Video: The "secret" the healing evangelist taught me about the Holy Spirit blew my mind healing holy spirit miracles video Nov 23, 2017


I thought the Holy Spirit was temperamental. Tidy. Reserved. And that we had to act a certain way in order to see the Spirit move. I thought we might "move" in the wrong way and cause the...

Video: Living a fully charged life- from the inside out advance cognitive health holy spirit the ladder video Oct 24, 2017


For the past few years I’ve written and talked a lot about the WHAT, the HOW, and the WHY (as well as the WHO and YOU). 

The simple chart below helps me clarify the way in which...
