The resurrection doesn’t remove the scars, it rewrites the ending of the story…
Sometimes that means the scars remain. They no longer control the story, but they are part of it-...
Back in 2014, a child-therapist my family visited for a season described stress in a revealing way. Kristen, the counselor, likened our souls to balloons…
(Yes, I have a lot of experience...
September 2018 I did something I never imagined I would do: I took a psychological evaluation. A full one. The kind with hundreds of questions followed by a sit-down interview with a licensed...
The Bible tells us we're redeemed by the blood of the Lamb (i.e., 1 Peter 1:18-19). If this is true, it means that Jesus offers a facet of redemption (read: freedom) at each place He bled..
In this short video we talk about how grace doesn't just change your eternal destination (i.e., what happens to you when you die), it also alters the ongoing experience of life now.
Let me...
I grew up in church— my Dad was the pastor. It's a longer story for another time and place (which I’m totally willing to share), but the blinders didn’t come off for me until I...
Physical health (your body), spiritual health (your spirit) and soul health (your mind, thoughts, emotions) are three different things— because each of those areas are different parts of our...