This week we started the new Disentangled group AND I began a 2-week study on Purpose…
Those two projects— and a few fun things— made this weeks “Top 7.”
Fitness = Running again
Last week ...
We just completed the first full week of June… and the first trip to the beach. That, a busted back, and two movies in a day, made the Top 7 for last week.
Here’s the rundown.
Fitness = Ugh...
A few things make their way into last week’s “Top 7” that aren’t normally “Top 7” types of things…
First, Beth designed a new podcast logo / splash screen. For the past year or so, I’ve simply used t...
We’re officially rolling into summer. School is out (the kids finished this past week), it’s Memorial Day weekend, and the weather has (almost) shifted.
This week’s Top 7 reflects a bunch of that…
As usual, I sat down this weekend to preview the upcoming week, as well as review the previous. Like most weeks, it was a full one— and I would have forgotten so many of the unexpected blessings of ea...
This week’s Top 7 reminds me that school is winding down…
… that summer is about to crank up…
… that seasons shift.
Here’s my short list of reflections from last week— one from each of the 7 key...
Yes, we now have a Pickleball court in our courtyard, now.
In full disclosure, the net is portable. The pics in this post show the yellow metal frame, but I eliminated it after realizing I could cre...
Each weekend I sit down and prep for the upcoming week. I look at the big meetings I have, the projects with due dates, and the fun things I want to fit in…
I also have a small “perfect week” templat...
Each week I look back at the week behind + preview the week ahead— so I don’t miss anything— and look and highlight at least one thing for which I’m grateful in each of the 7 key areas of life…
💙 Fit...
Last Sunday we made the drive back to HSV, to celebrate Easter with the fam…
Salter, on the front row, just below me, suggested he’s now “half a head” shorter that Daddy J 😂.
That was his biggest ta...
Last week I almost burned the backyard, Amazon whopped our retaining wall, and the kids had friends over.
Well, and some other stuff, too…
It all made this week’s Top 7.
Fitness = Rest,...
Ahhhh… White Bison coffee.
Though I’m not a fan of restaurants that are IN gas stations (and, certainly not coffee shops) this was is the exception.
I grabbed this on the way to HSV last Sunday to s...