A quick read through the Bible reveals something that sounds somewhat odd: Healing actually happens in Heaven.
Now, I know what you might be thinking. When we get there, there's no need...
One of my favorite pictures of my wife is one she never knew I took. Until after the fact, of course.
We were at a vendor booth last year, selling some of our books and training materials. ...
I read an interesting quote from a pastor back when I was studying to create The Healing Workshop:
"God's desire isn't for you to be healed; His desire is for you to be so healthy you won't...
I see people falling into two extreme camps when it comes to using essential oils:
One group thinks you’ve got to have the precise oil that matches the body system you’re to support or...
- Andy Jenkins
PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a relatively new term. In fact, you may not know anything about it unless you actually have it- or unless someone you know does. Its...
One of the big focal points of the Old Testament is the Tabernacle. The Lord gave very specific instructions about the building of the Tabernacle, the furniture and relics that were to be placed...