Top 7 = work trip to ATL, proof copy of new book, Levi pays cash for his car
Sep 19, 2022This week’s Top 7 includes a work trip to ATL, a look at the proof of Freedom Recovery… and Levi’s new car.
Scroll down to read or pause here for a rundown of where the Top 7 comes from…
βοΈ I sit down at some point each weekend, ideally on a Sunday afternoon, while planning the week ahead and doing my weekly review of the week behind, and make a few notes.
The planner I use— which I designed for the Advance workshops I led for a season— contains journaling prompts for each day where I, generally, jot down 3 things I’m grateful for (as well as some things I could have done better, etc.).
Here’s a planning page for a new one I just cracked open this week to begin scheduling for Q4 of 2022…
You can download the planner free at www.Jenkins.tv/FreePlannerPDF
Or, purchase it in our online store at https://www.thehilltop.shop/product-page/advance-planner
That said, here’s a look at my Top 7— at least one thing in each of the 7 keys of life listed in the planner…
Fitness = clearing the yard is functional fitness
I knocked out a few great workouts early in the week, followed by a weekend of clearing the backyard. Back when I bought the house, I cut 70-80 trees. We left the stumps, planning to cut them and do some weed-eating around them at some point in the future.
That time was now.
So, me + Levi + a few boys who frequent the house jumped into the backyard, side yard, and front corner of our lot and clear it…
Now, it all actually looks like a yard.
And, it was another example of what I want to maintain my fitness….
Finance = Levi paid cash for his car
Speaking of Levi— who helped clear the yard— he purchased a vehicle this week.
No note, no bill, no lien-holder.
“It needs new tires in 5 months or so,” he told me.
Working his job, taking on odd-things like the yard, and managing his cash well… he’ll be in great shape for tires.
Or perhaps “Christmas Guy” will come through.
Family = Work trip, Tuesday + Wednesday
Beth and I rolled over to ATL Monday afternoon…
… had the best loonngggggg dinner at the AC Hotel near the airport (the site of a workshop + some meetings we had) and just enjoyed the time.
Later that evening, Martijn arrived, so we discussed some projects I’ve been kicking around.
Here’s Martijn, owns Four Rivers Publishing…
And here’s Sam Chand, an author / thought-leader / former University President / coach / leadership guru Martijn works with closely and publishes…
I digress…
… this is the “family” section and I’m writing about work.
I think it’s because, working together, running a few projects from the house with Beth, HAS created a blur— of the best kind— where we can do things together, enjoy the call on our lives (individually and together) and explore what’s ahead…
Field = Beth’s biz plan
The long dinners and windshield-time on the trip facilitated some much-needed, distraction-free time were we could plod through some of the minutia— and dream about the bigger picture.
I loved the drive-time from ATL back towards BHM, listening to Beth’s strategy as to how so many things we’re doing fit together, how the processes can be tightened, and how more people can be served…
Faith = the proof-copy of Freedom Recovery arrived
Wednesday, we stopped on the way back from ATL to teach in Oxford. Here’s a shot from the 12-step group…
When we arrived home, I found 10 of these sitting on the front porch.
This is the Freedom Recovery workbook— which contains a chapter per step, for each of the 12-steps, as well as space to work through each of the steps for yourself, applying the theoretical (and theological) concepts to real-world application.
Learn more about the book— and the entire project as it rolls out— at www.FreedomRecovery.online, where you can access the audiobook free.
Friends = missed this category this week…
And, that seems to be a repeating theme, lately. So, in the next few weeks, we’ll make some adjustments.
As I’ve mentioned before on my website…
There’s no shame when one area of your life is out of balance. Sometimes, that just happens.
However, the ongoing assessment (weekly) of asking, “Where am I NOW in relation to where I want to be…?” ... that ongoing evaluation truly helps.
You can’t change what you won’t acknowledge.
You can’t adjust what you don’t see….
Fun = Roll Tide with Judah
Friday, one of the guys from my high school wrestling team texted: “You want my tickets to the football game tomorrow?”
He lives a few states over, and didn’t want to make the drive (birthday weekend for them), yet didn’t want the tickets to just go to waste…
I wondered which kid might want to go…
As Judah jumped off the bus, I mentioned the tickets to him.
“I’ll go,” he said.
I thought he would be OUT since his wrestling team was having an impromptu afternoon of swimming + game-watching at a teammate’s house…
We arrived early— made a few shortcuts that avoided traffic thanks to the wisdom of a few friends who live in the area who offered some pointers.
That’s the highlight reel for the week.
Again, you can download the planner free at www.Jenkins.tv/FreePlannerPDF.
Or, purchase it in our online store at https://www.thehilltop.shop/product-page/advance-planner
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