Top 7 = full house, full hearts, and still full throttle
Aug 28, 2023Last week was a great change-up after a few weeks of running out-of-town to not-so-close places to share our newest documentary, Trauma Comes Home.
A bunch of family members came over— at different times…
Several friends crashed the place…
And, we moved a few projects down the field.
Here’s the overview— one moment / event I’m grateful for in each of the 7 key areas of life, each area being essential for living a life that’s balanced AND growing…
Fitness = keeping strength in the workout routine
I let my BeachBody membership lapse a few weeks ago— after I kept hearing that they offered a better deal to NEW customers than they do to existing customers (even customers that have been with them for YEARS… BeachBody’s t25 is THE PROGRAM I used to drop 40+ pounds back in 2014).
I decided I would drop it…
… and then just re-enroll.
In the mean time, I started running (more) and using our free weights and pull-up bar / dip bar (more). And, I’ve enjoyed it…
So, at some point I’ll add BeachBody back-in…
But, until I do— and probably even after that— I’ll keep doing 2-3 days of strength AMIDST the running.
Finance = Salter learns how to wash the car
For about two years I took my car to “Mister Car Wash”— one of those places where you can pay a nominal fee each month, then run the vehicle through as many times as you’d like.
I even built the routine into my weekly schedule…
Each Tuesday, as I headed downtown, I grabbed some coffee, rolled into the car wash, and then moved through the rest of the day.
It’s cheaper to do it on your own.
And, you can’t teach the boys HOW to do it unless you’re doing it…
(Or, that they even SHOULD do it.)
As an aside, about 9 years ago I actually started mowing the grass again— even though I used to hire it out. The boys ONLY saw me “working” on a computer— which, since my job was to write and speak and run an online business, made sense. But, in their minds they didn’t equate “computer” stuff with anything other than online gaming…
They THOUGHT I was PLAYING on the computer all day— not writing and creating courses… and mapping business strategy.
I started doing ALL of the yard stuff with them— to show them—
π I could work and so should they
π How to do the work
π The joy of seeing something all the way to completion
Back to the cars…
I’ve got it in my schedule— each weekend I wash one of the cars. The next weekend I do the other…
And I keep rotating.
But, I’ve been out of town for a few weekends, so the routine fell by the wayside.
And, even though the kids— let’s be honest— are the ones “messing up” the cars (football field grass, post-wrestling room snack-trash, dirt in the backseats that I never get in), they STILL didn’t know how to wash ‘em.
I decided this week I would not only—
π get back in the routine, but that I would also…
π take one of the kids with me
Salter was up first…
And, since I was behind, we washed both cars— one on one day, the other on the next…
“This second one will be EASIER,” he said— “because it’s smaller AND I have a LOT of experience now.”
I walked him through the process…
How to do the wheels—
How to wash the seats, windows, and vacuum…
And, I paid him in snacks. Just like the “will work for food guys.”
The first day he wanted McDonald’s.
The next day— second wash— he opted for “gas station candy.”
His assessment?
"Washing the cars is totally worth it!"
On a different note…
Last week I referenced Beth’s “Master Resell Rights” starter course for people wanting to build an online business. Scroll to the bottom of this post if you want to learn more about that AND how to earn an income working from home, working as a side-hustle, or whatever…
Family = Jack’s early birthday festivities at the #hilltop
Jack (our nephew) rolled up to town this week with Beth’s parents (who come up every few month’s for various appointments). When he can, he makes the trip and stays with us.
His birthday is approaching— in early September— and this is the last chance he had to come before his 16th. So, he had one request…
“Let’s have a party and have Bob and George and Scott over…”
I promised I would schedule a cookout, and I would invite the guys. But, I couldn’t promise they would all be able to make it.
Bob did….
George did, too. In fact, he brought the family…
Scott was out of town.
But, a whole bunch of others came over…
Including some of our older gals—
— who got to enjoy some of the youngest cousins…
And, we got a group pic.
Beth went to the store to by the cake he requested— an Oreo ice cream cake. They were out… so she returned with the next best thing: Oreo ice cream cones.
They were a hit. In fact, people who would have turned down cake actually took a cone!
Jack would want everyone to know that he score a Millennium Falcon, as well…
Field = Edits to the book Heaven Bound, next steps identified
Mom and Dad dropped in Thursday afternoon. So, just as one group of family members departed, more arrived…
They were on their way up from a senior adult conference where Dad was speaking and, rather than driving straight home to Huntsville, dropped-in for a few days.
Here’s why…
A few weeks ago we began editing the Heaven Bound book— based on a series of talks he did at his previous ministry post (at Mount Zion Baptist in Huntsville). We uploaded the book, got a proof copy back, and we began marking it up…
We needed together and make the changes.
Plus, the study was designed to NOT ONLY be read and studied alone, but to ALSO be taught for groups.
He originally had a few PowerPoint slides to go with his notes. But, with the update to a book, it was time to updates those— and add the graphics and more, as well…
Mom and I worked through the edits Friday morning…
(And finished WAY faster than I thought we might.)
Then, Saturday, we created a template for the slides, uploaded the new book, and began shaping some of the graphics…
Here’s a sneak peek INSIDE the book…
And, here’s a mock-up of the book, eBook, audiobook, slides, etc…
(Yep, while we were waiting on an old Apple Beth had on-hand to update software and iOS and Pages and Keynote and all the other things, we figured out how to export from Pages to ePub and create a Kindle, Nook, iBook, etc.,- friendly version of the book, too!)
We’ll have the book “live” and ready to go within 3-4 weeks. I’ll keep you in the loop as we make progress.
Faith = A key Crosswinds connection… for Trauma Comes Home
Last Saturday we rolled in from Ohio— where we screened the Trauma Comes Home documentary AND led a one-day Warrior Hope training event. Then, Sunday night we screened the film at Grace Community Church, in Northeast Birmingham.
Here’s what most people don’t know about Grace…
Grace was THE first supported of Crosswinds when Bob launched the new 501c3 / ministry back in 2008. And, they’ve journeyed with the organization the entire time— believing in projects EARLY, and supporting them, long before you could see the fruit of them.
In a real way, they exhibit the fact that faith certainly IS faith in God, but that faith also extends to trust and empowerment and belief in others…
They’ve certainly modeled this. And, the ripple effect of all the books we’ve written, films we’ve produced, courses we’ve created, groups we’ve launched…
… all find themselves in the wake of this hope-filled family of faith.
Side note: this week I had several MORE conversations about screening in the film— as far away as the St. Louis area, California, and other places…
To learn more about the film, or contact us about screening, follow the link here.
Friends = my favorite Brit… rallying up for Advance 14.0
Last week I also met with a few guys— in person and on the phone— about the next Advance…
This will be 14.0.
(Learn more about the event + join the waitlist here.)
I’ve written about the Advance in other posts, so I’ll cut short here…
The best part of the event— that became a micro-movement— was ALWAYS the relationships. That’s what kept it going for so long.
Talking with my friend David a few times this week was fulfilling on so many levels…
π₯ I was able to encourage him
π₯ I was encouraged— and reignited in some of my passion for what we were doing, and seeing “unseen” men come together and live lives of purpose
π₯ I’m confident the “final product” we create will be better for the conversations and people we connect to…
Here’s a pic of David and Scott— at Advance 4.0. This was the first Advance where I spoke about “the ladder” and rolled out some of the concepts that became super-common and core to the framework.
The reason for the expression?
We had JUST felt a small earthquake rumble / tremor.
I confirmed space for Advance 14.0 AND Advance 15.0 this past week…
I’ll have a link to register + dates no later than next Sunday.
Until then, you can learn more about the upcoming events AND join the waitlist to be the first to know when we release tickets.
Oh, and this… under the topic of "friends"
The kids had a SLEW of friends over this weekend, too…
As Levi walked into ask about lighting the fire pit (which I initially didn’t want them to do, because it was so late), I was reminded that we DO want our home to be a space where people feel at home and free to just flow…
Fun = Easy Saturday run
Saturday I was able to do what I enjoy doing the most on the weekends— as far as “on my own.”
The weather was somewhat cool— at least EARLY in the morning— so put my Hoka shoes on and took off out the door.
(It was the final run for those shoes, by the way… I‘be run THROUGH the soles. So, now, I’ll shift to the Vans UltraRange, which, in my mind, for now, work the best for me.)
The runs help me unwind…
They provide time and space for me to process through some of the projects I’m working on…
And, I DO enjoy them. So, even though they are a “fitness” activity, I count them here, under fun, sometimes.
Before, I close out, a reminder if you want to build an online course, create additional income stream, etc.
Last week, Beth unveiled a new course. We’ve received a BUNCH of messages and social media connections— and emails— about hit…
Here’s the overview:
π©π»π»the online world is a great space to earn an income— either as a full-time salary OR a side hustle
π©π»π» Amplify empowers people to multiply and monetize their message online (and in books and other ways), assuming they’ve got the message dialed-in and ready to share (but just aren’t sure how)
π©π»π» Some people aren’t sure where to even begin— and need a “beginner” on-ramp course, that’s less robust than the current super-robust Amplify course..
π©π»π» They also need an income stream BEFORE they “edit” their message and have it ready to go…
π©π»π» “The Roadmap” is a course that outlines how to set up the online “stuff” AND— even better…
π©π»π» “The Roadmap” not only teaches you HOW to set up your online tech to earn money, it ALSO is product you can instantly resell and keep 100% of the profits…
Here’s the link to learn more about her newest course—
That’s the highlight reel for the week.
If you’re just now dropping in, each week I look back at the week behind + preview the week ahead— so I don’t miss anything— and look and highlight at least one thing for which I’m grateful in each of the 7 key areas of life…
π Fitness
π Family
π Field (work, career)
π Faith
π Friends
π Fun
Also, grab your copy of the Advance Planner-- the tool I created and use-- to move from where you are to where you're designed to be in each area of life. Here's the link.
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