Top 7 = Cheers to Em's 21st, a full week, and a #FullHouse
Feb 07, 2022Each Sunday afternoon I sit down and preview the week ahead AND ALSO review the week that’s just in the rear view mirror. As I do, I scan the journaling section in the Advance Planner and look at my entries for the “three things I’m thankful for today” and note some of the best moments.
Here's the top 7 = one highlight from each of the 7 key areas of life.
Fitness = Added the free weights to the routine
Monday I shifted into the next phase of t25– a #BeachBody workout routine. Generally, I like to run— on trails, on streets, a mix (and from my front door I can do both!).
But, when it’s cold outside, super-wet, or there’s a time-crunch, an intense 25-minute workout does wonders.
(Side note: you’d be surprised how much progress you can make with just a few small steps— like 25 minutes— towards a big goal. I’ve also been reading and re-reading the New Testament this year with that same small, repeating discipline. You don’t have to take on a HUGE task all at once. In fact, things rarely work out when you do… but, bit by bit… wow. Big progress.)
This time around I opted-out of the exercise bands (which DO work, by the way— we have them ranging all the way up to 80 pounds of resistance) and opted for the free weights instead.
You’d be shocked by how big of a difference that makes in the workout.
(And it highlights that as you age, balance and “odd movements” are some of the things you need to work one. The free weights require you to maintain both, as they don’t create a straight line of resistance like the bands, do.)
Finance = Life insurance, budgets, the tedious stuff that it’s easy to overlook
Beth has been CRUSHING the finances and the “business side” of things around here. She’s automated QuickBooks, tied it to the bank accounts, set up appointments with all the professionals we need…
This week, we shot over to Trussville to meet with my friend David— our life insurance guy. Of course, he does so much more than that.
I tell you this…
You’ve GOT to get the stuff out of your head and written down.
Life insurance, for instance...
Who would even know where to go to tap into it, what’s there, and how you can take financial stress off your family if you disappear?
And then the other things…
What do you want them to do with the money?
Pay off the house?
Set up a trust fund?
Take care of something for the kids?
Pursue some opportunity?
And then what about the details YOU handle…?
Would your wife know who you trust to handle the yard, fix the roof, or repair other things you regularly manage WITHOUT her getting swindled or taken advantage of….?
Family = Celebrated EM’s 21st with Ivey (19)
Em hit another milestone this week— 21 on January 31st. Of course, she’s in Los Angeles, working her way through school, and getting a dose of how political policy hits everyone in real life… and all of that means she can’t be HERE for the big day.
No problem.
When Em was about 4 I started taking her out to eat, once every few months. Just me and her.
And then we added Ivey to the mix a few years later.
By the time the gals were 11 and 13, they were eating with me at Chili’s (their choice, not mine) once a month.
One day, we went to order their fav desert at Chili’s on 280, molten chocolate lava cake (maybe I’ve got the words out of order, but you get the idea). They were out of THAT desert, so I made a suggestion.
“Let’s just go get cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory.”
They agreed.
That night, some March eight years ago, the CF became their new favorite restaurant. From that point on, we only visited Chili’s “for old time’s sake” or when walking through an airport and realizing that was a viable option.
So, Ivey and I went this month… on EM’s birthday (Monday) to celebrate Em. And, of course, we ordered the cheesecake.
Field = The Warrior Hope Podcast
A few years ago I was able to write— and teach— the Warrior Hope curriculum with my friend Bob Waldrep. In fact, we held a training session to certify leaders a few weeks before Covid-19 rolled in. Our plan, throughout 2020, was to certify even more.
Of course, you know how 2020 went.
February 2021 we traveled to Tennessee where we taught more leaders, then— throughout the rest of 2021, Bob was able to empower 75+ other leaders with the recourses we created.
Recently, we decided to relaunch The Warrior Hope Podcast, but to do on audio AND video this time around.
Right now, we’re gathering interviews and footage. We’ll release new episodes beginning in March!
Faith = Deeper understanding of who I am + who you are
This week I received the hardback version of the LifeLift book in the mail:
- 20 lessons (can be taught in 15-18 minutes, so it could be a 5 week study, a 10 week study, or could go longer)
- 80+ pictures and graphics throughout the book (because a picture is worth 1,000 words, and I like placing a LOT of them throughout all my books)
- Slides for teachers, where they can take my resources and use them on their own
Here’s the book.
This week, I decided to record the training videos— a resource YOU can use to learn the material now, a resource created— long-term— for people who want to lead groups to learn the material so they’re more confident (if they need the added confidence) with the material when they go to teach it themselves and lead others through.
I decided to shoot three videos a day, thinking that would take me about 6-7 days, if I added an extra slot to a few days. And, that pace would work far better than just cranking it all out at once— as I’ve done when teaching 12-15 video courses.
I finished it Thursday…
Here’s why this fits with faith: one of the best ways to LEARN something is to TEACH it.
There’s no way to explain the NEW connections I was able to make through the material as I sat and taught it, again, on camera (with no audience, and no time-limit, no hurry). It gave me ANOTHER layer, a deeper understanding, of my— and your— true identity.
In the next few weeks, I share with you how to get the book FREE.
Friends = Randy & Tammy + Mexicali
Since we were on their side of town meeting with the life insurance guy (my friend David) we decided to see if we could sync schedules with Randy and Tammy.
3pm is always a great time for dinner, right?
Well, it is if you skip lunch.
And it is if you’ve got friends in your corner, the kind who are easy to be around, the kind for whom you would give ANYTHING (and they would give anything for you), yet simultaneously require nothing. They just want to be with you.
That balance is such a phenomenal gift— and it reminds me of the words Jesus spoke when He suggested people would know we are His by the way we love each other (John 13:34-35). And, that— even though we haven’t physically seen God— the love of God is made manifest in us (and experienced) when we love to our full potential (see 1 John 4:17-19).
We hang out a lot with these friends, but generally forget to snap a photo.
Fun = easy weekend, acquired a bunch of kids
This weekend was… interesting.
The kids were all over— and almost all brought friends. So, added to the normal #JCrew2 we had Cooper and Baylan, Eli… and then Brooklyn and Layne.
Makes you thankful for the space— and, more importantly, the people who come fill it.
Sunday, Isaac had a basketball tournament— the championship. Here’s Mini + Brooklyn (“Sauce the Boss” in the background).
And, here’s how Salter felt after enduring the games…
(In fairness, he didn’t watch. He ran around the halls, even being responsible for a rogue ball that bounced across the court during the finals of the tournament.)
The boys played well… but finished second. And, I'm still a fan of people wining and losing-- of placing first and second and not at all. As I watched young boys walking off the court, disappointed (in multiple games), having played their best... it highlighted to me-- once again-- that sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. You've got to learn to be a good sport in both situations.
That’s the highlight reel for the week.
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