The #FreedomMarch self-study | 5 weeks, 17 minutes a day
Overcome post-traumatic stress, guilt & shame, and unhealthy soul ties so you can experience inner healing & find lasting freedom
Everybody hurts
You don’t reach your 30s, 40s, or even your 50s without bumping into the reality that life is both beautiful and life is difficult…
… and, many times, pain is involved.
Sometimes, crisis happens as a result of the choices we make; other times it happens because of something others do. Either way, we can find hope and healing just the same.
Further, we must. Because—
💔 We continue reading the present in light of the past when we carry unhealed hurts
💔 Unresolved pain can hinder us from walking in our true purpose and experiencing everything God has in store for us
You can leave the past and step into your purpose + potential.
There is a path forward...

1. 17 minutes a day
Watch the video and/or read the journal entry. Record your thoughts as you work through the material.

2. Take action
Apply what you learn. The program is designed to help you adjust your outlook and habits as needed.

3. Experience progress
Note positive improvements and continue stepping forward. You’ll experience transformation.
The people who benefit the most from Freedom March have three things in common—
✅ Trauma / crisis = something happened.
It might be big, it might be small. But it knocked you off balance, either way.
Most of the time, if we really look back, we see that a series of things— sometimes even disconnected events— occurred, creating a compound effect.
✅ Faith = somehow, you still have it.
It might be hidden, or perhaps need to be re-ignited. But it still matters to you.
The struggle for many people is this…
If we’re honest, we expected something different from life. And it’s hard to reconcile the goodness of God (which we still believe in) with the reality we’re living.
Nonetheless, at least a sliver of faith remains…
✅ Hope = there’s a glimmer of it.
You might have resigned yourself to the notion that the best days are behind you, but you still believe— against the odds— that all things work together for the good (Romans 8:28).
The goal is to walk in true joy, rich depth, full satisfaction— and you think it can happen— even if you don’t see the way forward.
And, you might even desire to help others with the hope you have, perhaps offering them a roadmap to walk through their hurts and pains once you find your way through.
If this describes you, and you have 17-minutes for 35 days (with built-in breaks so you can “catch up” when life doesn’t go as planned), then #FreedomMarch is for you.
Meet your guide
Andy Jenkins, Teacher + Developer of #FreedomMarch
The #FreedomMarch program wasn’t built in a classroom; it emerged from the trenches.
Part of my story includes things like—
❌ Anger
❌ Lying
❌ Financial dishonesty
❌ A roller-coaster marriage marked by as many lows as highs
❌ Fractured friendships
❌ Trust issues (difficulty letting people close)
❌ Pride & posturing (spinning to make reality seem better than it is)

I was…
💔 Depressed (it’s hard to feel on top of the world when you live in the shadows and safeguard so much clutter in there with you)
💔 So overwhelmed with where I was that I took a psych eval
💔 Walked through the trenches of foreclosures, bankruptcy, and divorce,
💔 Seeing everything I once knew disappear
💜 I journeyed to health and healing— in this area.
💜 I rebuilt and found purpose on the other side of the pain.
💜 I created resources to help others navigate their way forward.
This is why I created the Freedom March.
I'll be your guide, and help you navigate from where you are to where you want to be in the world of emotional health + wholeness
Whether your goal is to find healing OR help others find wholeness, I'd love to help you on the journey.

In this 5-week self-study program you'll discover—
💥 How to deal with pain without denying it, sweeping it under the rug, or tossing it in the closet
(You can’t heal a hurt you refuse to acknowledge.)
💥 How to live forward, even transforming the biggest problems areas into the strongest platforms which will become stepping stones for the future
(Don’t waste the pains of the past. The Bible tells us we can turn and “comfort others with the same comfort we’ve received” in 2 Corinthians 1:3-5.)
💥 How to overcome the hurts, habits, and hang-ups of the past without spending $1,000s on therapy, self-medicating, living in shame, or resigning to the notion that “this is how things will always be.”
(Even if you work with a counselor or therapist, as I have, you must learn to “walk out” the healing process to maintain what you’ve gained.)
This video is sample footage from the #FreedomMarch. Each day you'll receive a 5-minute module to review.

Over the course of my personal #FreedomMarch, I learned--
💜 There are three common soul hurts— and you can have them even when your spirit is strong.
💜 We each have a body, a soul, and a spirit. The soul and the spirit... are different.
💜 It’s easy to confuse the soul and the spirit, but distinguishing each from the other is essential to walk in emotional health, because the hurts we encounter are issues of the soul-- not the spirit.
You can be healthy-- spirit, body, and soul...
💜 I experienced all three of the wounds we discuss in #FreedomMarch— and my inability to move forward with a plan actually made the problems worse.
💜 Things got better-- not perfect, but better-- with a plan.
💜 Having a plan won’t erase the pain or eliminate every problem we’ll face in the future. But, it will help us experience less of them… and, when we do face hard things we’ll move forward with less friction.
This 5-week self-study shows you how to walk in total wholeness so your emotions can serve you rather than being enslaved by them.

Many people expect “instant freedom” in this area, then become frustrated when it doesn’t occur. They expect it to come like the “left side” of the graphic here.
But healing most often comes as we “walk it out” over time— like the “right side.”
For this reason, we’ll keep our health + healing process connected to “real life,” to the things we already do every day.
What You'll Learn
An week-by-week overview of the 5-week self-study

As we begin the journey, we’ll first explore the Biblical foundations upon which this program is built. This first week will provide you with a framework to understand everything else we will do together, and it will escalate your confidence.
We’ll talk through concepts like:
💙 instant healing vs. healing over time
💙 practical things you can do every day to walk in emotional wholeness,
💙 areas people typically get stuck.

Whereas week 1 provides us with a practical foundation for healing, week 2 creates a theological framework for total redemption— body, soul, and spirit.
The soul and the spirit are two different facets of us. Though both internal and unseen, they are different.
Walking in emotional freedom requires understanding the basic differences, so we’ll first seek to understand how we’re created— body, soul, and spirit.
Then, at the end of this week we’ll determine that soul freedom is completely possible— even if it requires ongoing discipline.

Virtually every emotional issue we face is the result of one of three types of soul hurts:
💔 Triggers
Triggers occur when we react to external issues, reading present circumstances in light of past pain points.This can take the form of post-traumatic stress, which might be diagnosed or undiagnosed.
💔 Guilt + Shame
Sometimes the greatest issues we face aren’t the external concerns which threaten our safety, they’re internal issues. Some matters affect our conscience and personal worth, taking the form of Moral Injury and Survivor’s Guilt.
💔Soul Ties
Our hearts were made to attach to people and even things which align with our God-given purpose. However, unhealthy heart attachments occur when we connect to the wrong things as well as when we attach to the right things in the wrong way.In its extreme form, this looks like addiction.
Though there are some similarities between each of these three types of hurts, each type of hurt must be handled differently because they are unique.

We’ll continue walking through a practical framework to understand the type of soul wounds we are dealing with, as well as— more importantly— grabbing hold of some tools to help us find healing from the past, then lean forward in wholeness.
Ultimately, we want to “Live From The Overflow” (a term we use in the program) of a heart that’s made whole, so that’s the direction we’ll head. And, we’ll discuss our true value and identity, which is essential to living “soul whole.”

During the final week, we’ll discuss what redemption really looks like on a practical level.
Restoration doesn’t always look like a “cleaned-up” version of the old life, anymore than a butterfly resembles a cleaned-up caterpillar.
Most of the time, something new and brilliantly beautiful emerges— something we couldn’t have previously dreamed possible.

Register today, and you’ll be able to—
👉 Begin your own #FreedomMarch, your journey forward— even against the so-called odds
👉 Experience healing— even with out a “miracle” in this area.
👉 Live with a heart that’s made whole, scars and all.
Register hereFrequently Asked Questions
What are the details of what I am registering for?
How long does the program last, and will I have access to the tools + resources after the program concludes?
What is the time commitment?
What if I get behind?
What is the total cost?
Do I have access to a live person during this program or am I on my own?
Will anything be shipped to me?
When does it start?
Is there a refund policy?
What You Get
Your three tools for #FreedomMarch

A daily video
Most are 5-7 minutes in length , all are super-focused, easy-to-understand, and ultra-practical. You'll have instant access to all of them.

#FreedomMarch journal
This downloadable PDF will be your guidebook. Each day references the video and includes a 1-2 page overview + journaling prompts

Daily communication
You'll receive an email a day, for 5 weeks, with a direct link to the video & the written overview. Reply back with any questions.

For a limited time, you'll receive 5 videos from the group coaching calls.
✅ A great intro or review for each week of the #FreedomMarch
✅ Access never expires-- login from all of your devices and review as often as you'd like

Your journey towards emotional health + healing begins now!

Register here for instant access to the complete #FreedomMarch and the risk-free guarantee!
Note: #FreedomMarch comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. If you don’t feel that this resource truly empowers you to walk in mental health + emotional wholeness, we'll issue you a no-questions-asked refund!
Register Here