Look Forward + Look Back (Month/Week Ahead + Monthly/Weekly Review)

From the Advance Planner Workshop


The weekly review is one of the most important "appointments" in my weekly calendar. 

Here's some background info...


Somebody told me that your checkbook reveals what’s important to you. That is…

💰 Follow the trail of where your money goes and we can see what truly matters…

⏰ Same is true of TIME.

It’s easy to say we value certain things, but… when we turn and look at where the time was invested, the calendar SOMETIMES tells a different story, doesn't it?

Imagine what if we could review our time in the same way we review checkbooks and bank statements... 



We often move to the new year or the next season with the expectation that some things will change… in fact, we HOPE that some things RADICALLY adjust. But, we can do that every week if we reflect, learning what we can from the recent past (while it’s fresh in our minds, as well as leaning hard into the future.)

Some things are in our control, some aren’t.


And some of our time we can manage… some, let’s be honest, gets managed or gets “taken” by obligations and emergencies and other things…

🗓 But what about the parts we can manage?

🗓 The parts where we have a say?

🗓 The places where we CAN dictate what we want do to and when…?

… in the new week and new month, let’s focus there…

… because experience is a good teacher. But EVALUATED experience is even better.

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