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Unlocking your purpose in life (the reason you're here!) changes everything.
And finding your purpose is a simple as use three keys-- three tools-- you already have...
In this book (which includes free personal assessments, free video access, and more), we'll help you--
- define what's unique about you
- determine where you're designed to be
- develop a simple way to get there
The path to finding + fulfilling your purpose

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You already have everything you need
So Purpose will show you how to use what you've got

In the book you'll discover three “keys” that will guide you— and open the doors for you to walk through.
As I pulled the book together, I had the concepts, but didn’t really have a “name” for the metaphor we would use.
I told Beth, “I’m thinking about using the word guidelines or guardrails or something like that… but those conjure images that are more daunting… or restrictive. I’m not trying to contain or constrain people with this book. I want to set them free…”
She replied, “Let me think. I feel like there’s an easy image that’s… like… right there…”
After a few moments, she had it…
“Keys,” she said. “Because that’s something everyone understands.”
“That’s good,” I told her. Then— “And everyone ALREADY has these keys… they don’t have to go looking for them.”
“True,” she added. “And each key works by itself, too. With one key, you can unlock certain things… with two you can do more…”
“But they all work the best when you leverage the power of each of them.”
Like the keys you have in your pocket— probably even as you read these— there are three keys to find and fulfill God’s plan for your life.
You already have them.
You just need to use them.
Purpose shows you how…
Your book includes optional audiobook + videos + assessments + more!

Unlocking your purpose = as simple as using 3 keys (you already hold in your hands)
And, you don't need to "hunt" for them; they're already here!

Key 1 = The Voice of God

It's become fashionable to work against Scripture or somehow think it "confines" us.
But the Bible helps us not only bulletproof our life, but it empowers us to launch into the best possible future-- when we read it how it was designed.
The Pharisees thought they had "life" because they read the words of the text. Jesus told them they missed the point. The words were a launching point to so much more...

Scripture outlines several components which are clearly "the will of God."
Many people want to find God's will for them in terms of vocation and calling, as well as relationships and opportunities before them.
And, a lot of people are looking for "next level revelatiopn."
However, it's important to begin at the areas where God has already clearly spoken.
Everything else flows from here.
Key 2 = Natural Talents + Created Design

Whereas the directives God outlines for us in the written Word are radically similar for each of us, the way in which He created us is dramatically different.
Our natural birth-- and everything that comes "with the package" of us just being born-- highlights part of God's design for our lives.
When we unlock our Created Design, so much more begins to flow.

The seven days of Creation denote 7 different "created designs" we find in Romans 12. These designs are "gifts of the Father," blessings He bestows on each of His children.
(Jesus has gifts, too, that He gives His church-- per Ephesians 4:11-12. And, the Holy Spirit has gifts, as well, which we find in 1 Corinthians 12.)
God created you intentionally, with a long-term view as to the plan He mapped for you.
Key 3 = Supernatural Giftedness

We've been born physically (meaning we're flesh) and we've been born spiritually (meaning we're also spirit).
In part 3 of the LifeLift Framework we learn that the Holy Spirit also brings spiritual gifts into our lives-- unique ways in which God actively moves through us to impact the world.
Discovering this area of supernatural giftedness IS your third key to unlock your purpose.

The "gifts" are for us inside the church and outside the church-- they're for ministry and for mission.
The early church carried no distinctions as to who was called and who wasn't.
To them, the events that happened during the week were as sacred and special as the activities which punctuated the weekend.
(And, what you do outside the four walls of the church is probably more important-- we only spent an hour at church each week, but we spend our entire lives everywhere else!)
The Ring = The Synergy of All Three

All three of these areas are important.
- Without Instructional Obedience, we step outside the bounds of the Kingdom.
- Apart from our Created Design, we fail to acknowledge our uniqueness
- Omitting our Spiritual Gifts insures we have a form of godliness but lack its true power (2 Timothy 3:5)

The three keys each work together, creating a synergistic effect in which the sum is far greater than the parts.
Furthermore, you already hold each of these keys in your hand. You don't need to look for something new. You simply need to use what God has already offered you...
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The LifeLift Framework enables you to understand who you are, equips you to live in close connection with the Holy Spirt, and then empowers you to use your unique gifts to fulfill God's purposes for you.
Purpose is the introduction to the complete framework.