Now, you can grow in radical grace + freedom + purpose + empowerment wherever you are.
The new LifeLift app provides you with faith-driven life coaching to empower you to live at the next level, moving from where you are to where you're designed to be...
... in every area of life.
Download the app on your preferred app storeLet's merge a few contradictory things and help you move from where you are to where you're designed to be...
I was sitting at a coffee shop with a friend, telling him about this project, when he asked, “What’s unique about it? How does it differ from other faith-driven, life-coaching resources out there…?”
I began to describe it.
And, in doing so, I realized that part of the approach here involves pulling things TOGETHER which we often (wrongly) separate.
For instance…
#1 = God & You
#2 = Heaven & Here
#3 = Head & Heart
#4 = Spiritual & Practical
What's on the LifeLift app?
*in app purchases available
Download it free on your preferred app storeThe New App is Here!
I'm looking for 50 people who will test-drive it, then leave an review on the App store (Apple or Google, iOS or Android) when it releases mid-October!
Register + leave a review of the app and the new podcast, and I'll unlock the Soul Wholeness audiobook in the app FREE!
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